Sunday, March 16, 2014

Hurry up and Wait.

After a mad dash to finish the last minute packing, I am now stuck at an airport for a 5-hour layover.  Less than 24 hours ago I was on tight schedule to check out of my dorms on time.  I was on so much of a tight schedule that my friend Anna came over to help me pack, and to my embarrassment, she did my dishes for me too.  After completing my checklist a few times to make sure I didn’t forget anything important, such as socks, we left my dorm room only to go on another rush to the grocery store.  A total of 16 hours on a plane and who knows how many more hours waiting in an airport? Yeah, we were definitely going to pack some snacks.  But being girls, we got side tracked in clothing, shoes, and anything else you can imagine.  Leaving target a combined 100 dollars poorer with three bags of chocolate, a cute summer dress, and umpteen boxes of granola bars later, we rushed back to Anna’s home to finish packing her bags and shoving food into every crevice available. 
Our food pile
 Thinking we were going to get a nice break now that it was midnight, we went onto amazon to look at free kindle books.  There is actually a surprising amount of free kindle books on amazon, and they will come in useful for the next few hours.  Some of the titles that stood out were “A French girl in New York”, “Sneakers, Sandals, and Stilettoes: Fairytales for the well-heeled princess”, “A Wedding Story”, and quite the collection of Jane Austen stories.  Sleep was to be had after the book raid, and though sleepovers are fun, I still have not figured out how exactly to share a bed with another girl.  Every position seems somewhat awkward.  And of course, right when you fall asleep the alarm goes off, setting off the timer for another mad dash.  I forgot how much I love the morning chaos of trying to get everyone up, clean, fed, and out the door on time. 
            Upon finally reaching the Airport on time the waiting game began.  Waiting included playing cribbage with Mitch, Cameron, and of course Anna.  After a short plane ride, food was to be had.  Half way through the meal, I remembered that I had a chemistry assignment due at 6.00 pm today.  And I had not even looked at it yet.  So yet another hurried mission began.  My plan was to eat, do half the assignment, then move to the correct gate and finish the assignment.  It would have worked out very well, had I gotten Internet access in the gate.  So Anna and I had to walk around the airport trying to find a spot with adequate Internet access so I could finish my homework and she could play Disney Hidden Worlds.  Hopefully the rest of this trip will have less whiplash and more of a slow and steady wins the race feel.
Ta Ta For Now, Bri

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