Thursday, March 13, 2014

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Sadly, I know exactly when I’ll be back again.  However the fact of my eminent return is not dulling my excitement.  Within 3ish days I will be in London, England!  I’m Bri, and I will be going to London during my spring/mid-semester break.  I am currently an undergraduate student and the University of North Dakota studying a variety of sciences with a hope of medical school.  I plan on eventually becoming a Medical Examiner.  “Why a Medical Examiner?” you exclaim? Because my patients don’t talk back.  All joking aside, I do want to help those who can no longer speak for themselves as well as their families.  Now some of you may be asking yourselves what London England has to do with some student becoming a Medical Examiner, or ME.  ( And there’s another fun fact, when someone asks me what I want to be, I can reply with “ME!”).  Well, London England is home to the infamous Jack the Ripper, the serial killer who was never caught and reigned during the Autumn of 1888, also known as the Autumn of Terror.  

 The Jack the Ripper case, or the Ripper case, is the first known case to use medical pathology, or the study of the murder, to attempt to catch the Ripper.  The attempt was unsuccessful, but today the acts of a few medical doctors has created an entire field of work in todays world.  Today there are quite a few popular culture items based off of ME work including but not limited to tv shows such as Quincy ME, Bones, Body of Proof, CSI, and more, as well as a few very successful series of books.  My hope is to learn as much as I can about the medical pathology field in England today, and how the Jack the Ripper case shaped the history of criminal justice as well as how the Crime investigation field is changing today. But don’t worry, I’ll still leave some time to have fun and explore the grandeur of London! 
Picture courtesy of

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