Thursday, March 27, 2014

Murphy's Law: That One Day

Today was that one day where everything was planned out, but it didn’t exactly go smoothly.  To start off, today was the first day that it was actually icky outside.  I mean, it was a cold and gloomy day, with rain and a lot of wind and it was the first sight of ACTUAL London weather we had.  Which is fine, I was expecting a lot more of that kind of weather.  So the day started with a trip to the Tower of London with Mr. Morstad and Leanna.  For the most part it was absolutely amazing.  The Tower has amazing architecture, the medieval weaponry and armor was surprisingly delicate, but the true star of the show was the Crown Jewel exhibit.  
 Words cannot describe and pictures are not allowed, but if you every get the chance to go see them, you MUST.  Another thing in the area you have to see is the dragon statue.  Whoever the artist is took a ton of different aspects of the exhibit and combined them into one.  Diplomatic looking papers make up the forearms, only to connect to old pistols that are the claws.  The stomach is filled with glistening coins and jewels, while the spikes on the back are just that: spikes and other long weapons like axes and such.  The wings are made of shields connected to even longer spears and the like, and there are fake dragon sounds coming from behind it. 
Your friendly neighborhood Dragon
As for the Crown Jewels, well those are just that. A collection of magnificent golds and jewels that put Tiffany’s to shame.  The vibrant purple of so much combined with the priceless white orbs and the gold inlets, absolutely stunning. It was in the Crown Jewel exhibit where Leanna and I first lost Mr. Morstad.  After attempts to call and text him, we decided the best thing to do was to go our separate ways and meet him for dinner.  We ate some lunch and met a very nice woman from Canada, but sadly talking to her caused us to be later than we wanted to be, so I was unable to hit the Westminster side of things, as well as Buckingham Palace. 
Instead I ventured over to Waterloo to scope out the area before I was to meet Cameron for the Dungeons.  Saying that we are going to meet in Waterloo just outside of the tube station was a HUGE mistake.  There are 3 possible exits from the tube in Waterloo, and I had no idea where he would come out.  After taking a leisurely stroll through the Waterloo area I realized that I was in a kind of business district, and there was not much to see. I found a funny sculpture of a bull, and some interesting architect on a few buildings, but not a whole lot.  I did however go and find all three tube stations, and I ran around to all three of them at least three times before realizing that there was no way I was going to find Cameron. 
the Funny Bull
            Thankfully great minds think alike, as we managed to find each other 8 minutes before our tickets to the Dungeon were scheduled.  After that mini heart attack we went through the Dungeons, which were awesome.  It was a combination of haunted house meets comedian and I really enjoyed it.  They take you on an hour-long tour through the Dungeon and make fun of some of the gruesome history of London, all while scaring the bajeezus out of you.  Some of the highlights were the bubonic plague, the Whitechapel murders, Sweeney Todd, and medieval doctors.  The end of the Dungeon has a ride with a camera.  I found the picture particularily amusing.
A the terror.

Anna, Mitch and I in the Tubes
            However the fun was not yet over. Cameron and I got out of the Dungeon around 4:40.  We were supposed to meet the rest of our group for dinner at 4:45.  The tube ride back to the hotel is about 35-40 minutes.  So we tried to go to the hotel by walking the last stint instead of catching the next tube.  I then got a text from Mitch telling us to go to the Sicilian Spaghetti house.  Which was on the other side of town.  Long story short, Cameron and I ended up on a 1.5-hour walk/tube ride in an attempt to find this restaurant.  We found it, at 6:30.  I quickly ate, and then got to go on the tubes right back to Waterloo to go on the London Eye. 
A View from the Eye
            Every trip has to have that one day, I think it must be one of Murphy’s Laws.  At least I have an entertaining story now, right? 

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